Divine Dove Release Process

Step 1: Contact us (Reach out to us via our website contact form, Feel free to call/text or send us an email)

Step 2: Information (We will need the exact Location, Date/Time of the Release. We will also need to know the number of birds wanted and how they are to be released.)

Step 3: Quote & Confirmation (After we have all the information for the Release we will give you a quote for the Release. Once you have received the quote, respond confirming the Release information and price.)

Step 4: Invoice (Once Confirmed we will send you an invoice for the Release due upon arrival at the Release location.)

Step 5: Follow up (Contact me with any questions, or changes with the release. Upon the day of the Release, we will confirm our arrival time and amount of birds.)

Step 6: Release (We will arrive at the Release location 15 minutes prior to the requested Release time, with the requested birds and other.) 

What a Dove Release Symbolizes

In the Bible white doves have been often used as a symbol of the Holy Spirit, bringing messages of Heaven to Man. White doves are often seen as carrying the souls of our departed loved ones to their final resting place. Releasing  white doves signifies the “letting go” of the loved one. The whole experience is rather cathartic. Many families say the dove release helps begin the grieving process. A dove release also beautifully and peacefully honors the memory of the deceased. The first known white dove releases occurred in Egypt about five thousand years ago. It is also prevalent in Chinese, European, Greek, and Roman cultures. Although they slightly differ in their mythology. In Christianity, white doves represent peace, love, faith, purity, and eternal life. In Ancient Greece and Rome, doves were considered symbols of the goddesses of love. Ancient Celts believed that the coo of a dove meant a soul was passing over peacefully. In China, doves represent peace, and longevity, and are used to ward off evil. Having a white dove release truly transcends all cultures and religions, and forms a beautiful backdrop for the final messages to your loved one. Commonly seen in Christian art with the Virgin Mary, the dove is known as a symbol of care, devotion, purity, and peace. A dove release at a funeral or memorial is a very beautiful and special way to commemorate the life of a loved one.